Here, we engage in integrative work founded on three core pillars:


This pillar is all about diving deep into yourself and integrating your core values.

Values and Purpose Work:
We’ll unearth what truly motivates you, and what your innate talents are so they can guide your business decisions. Together, we’ll uncover subconscious drivers and blockers, helping you align your choices with your authentic self.

Alignment Assessments:
Misalignment can lead to burnout and failure. We’ll ensure that your actions, messaging, products, and services are in full resonance, setting the stage for a sustainable success.

Somatic and Mindset Tools:
From regulating your nervous system to sparking creativity, we’ll use somatic techniques and mindset tools to help shift your state of being, get unstuck, and overcome obstacles.

Boundaries and Well-being Practices:
Setting healthy boundaries and honoring self-care are crucial. Moving away from the outdated “push harder” mentality helps prevent burnout and fosters a healthier, more balanced life.


With over 15 years of experience, I've amassed a wealth of intellectual property, frameworks, tools, and resources that I integrate into my client work. I use my strategic mind, problem-solving skills, and talent for active listening to enable me to synthesize diverse information into actionable, aligned steps.

Problem Solving and Planning:
We’ll develop robust solutions and strategic plans that address your specific needs, ensuring that every step you take is purposeful and aligned.

Frameworks and Tools:
Utilizing proven frameworks and practical tools, we’ll enhance efficiency and productivity in your operations, establishing systems that support sustainable growth.

Embodied Branding and Aligned Marketing:
We’ll create a brand that embodies your values and connects deeply with your audience through a sensorial experience. Together, we’ll craft marketing strategies that are in alignment and truly work for you and your business.

Aligned Action and Accountability:
Taking purposeful aligned actions and staying accountable to your goals is key. With structured support, we’ll ensure you remain on track and focused on what matters most.


The final pillar of my approach involves leveraging intuition and energetics to guide our work and cultivate Self Trust, which in my experience is foundational to one’s success and is something most people struggle with, hence imposter syndrome being so common.

Leveraging Intuition:
My highly honed intuition and instincts will guide our sessions, and create a safe container for you to tap into your innate wisdom.

Aligning with Pure Potentiality
Trust and staying open to possibilities can bring about transformative results. We’ll practice surrendering to the unknown and embracing the field of possibilities and infinite creativity.

Energy Awareness and Self-Understanding:
Developing a keen awareness of energy dynamics and utilizing tools like the Enneagram, Human Design, and Astrology, will deepen your self-awareness and enhance your ability to navigate challenges.

Disclaimer: The inner work I facilitate complements business coaching and should not replace therapy, mental health treatment, or medical intervention.